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Untainted: (Crime Romance: The Photographer Trilogy #3) Page 9

  “Wow, I can’t think of a time I’ve ever heard that many words come out of his mouth. Let alone, so prophetic.” Liz grinned at them as she walked into the room and dropped a hand on his shoulder.

  Kate giggled and Mike just rolled his eyes, but there was a slight blush on his cheeks that wasn’t lost on her. She could tell that there had been a change in him ever since he had seen Liz hurt in that stable. Kate couldn’t help but wonder if there was more going on between them than they let on.

  “Jury selection is starting tomorrow morning, Kate. Just got the word and came straight in here to let you know. Mr. Bild is insisting on a speedy trial, and thanks to the law he is allowed it.” Liz sat down and leaned over the table as she spoke, resting her arm in a sling on the top.

  “What does that mean?” She responded.

  “It means that the trial itself will probably start a day or two after that at most. Prosecution will need you to testify, and defense will subpoena a testimony from you as well, I’m sure.” She explained to Kate.

  “It sounds more daunting than it is. The district attorney will go through several practice runs with you and make sure that you are comfortable with everything beforehand.” Mike interjected as Kate nodded slowly, nervous about the prospect of being in the same room as Frank again.

  “Kate, there is one thing that you should know beforehand,” Liz looked nervous for a moment, fiddling with a ring on her middle finger.

  “Frank is facing five very serious charges: a kidnapping charge for kidnapping you, first-degree murder for your sister, first-degree murder for Lenny, attempted murder of a police officer, and attempted murder of Derrick.” She explained.

  “Okay, but what about my rape and the other women? What about the women’s bodies in the stable?”

  “The district attorney isn’t charging him with those right now.”

  “Why not? It’s clear as day that it was him!” Kate’s voice raised.

  “I know, Kate, but there is a lot of missing pieces in those cases. Easy loopholes and issues that if paired with these murder charges, could potentially get him acquitted from everything. We want to only charge him with the things we have the strongest amount of evidence for, to make sure he is put away for life.” She explained.

  “So, he gets away with it. That’s what you are trying to tell me. Dozens of women will never get justice. I will never get justice.” Bitterness thickened her words.

  “I know it sounds like that, but it’s really the best course of action. If he is found guilty of these, then he can be tried again later for everything else.”

  “Why would they even bother if he is found guilty and serving a life sentence, it would just be a waste of time to go through any more trials?” Kate scoffed.

  “Getting justice for the innocent is never a waste of time, Kate.” McCraig spoke up and reached forward, patting her hand.

  “This is so fucked up. I can’t even believe that this is my life right now.” Kate groaned as she leaned her head back and stared at the ceiling.


  “Are you going to finish moving your things here?” Derrick asked her as he lowered himself onto the couch of his apartment.

  Technically, it was their apartment now as she had been in the process of moving in when she was kidnapped. He had just gotten home few hours ago from the hospital.

  “There is no way in hell I’m going back to my apartment.” Kate shook her head emphatically and joined him, snuggling into the crook of his arm and draping her legs across his lap.

  “Let me hire a moving company then. They can do it all for us.” He caressed her hair with his good hand, the other arm was still sore from the stabbing wound in his shoulder.

  “Fine, but anything that was messed up or even touched by him needs to be thrown in a pile and set on fire.”

  “A furniture bonfire, huh?”

  “Yup, with firecrackers in it. So it’s like the most fucked up fourth of July.” She grinned, only partially joking.

  “I think you need a permit for that kind of thing,” he laughed at her.

  “Just promise me none of that stuff will come into our house.” She sighed, turning serious and pressing herself deeper into his side.

  He kissed her forehead softly and wrapped both arms around her.

  “I promise, beautiful.” He played with the engagement ring on her finger, twisting it absentmindedly as he held her hand.

  As they sat there, Kate’s cat walked up to them and jumped up on the arm of the couch, rubbing against Derrick.

  “Boo likes you.” Kate mused, smiling.

  “I think she likes that her sexy, gorgeous momma is home.” Derrick gave Boo a little scratch behind her ears and winked at Kate.

  “Derrick, do you mind if we wait?”

  “I don’t know how long I can wait until I ravage you in the bedroom, love. I’m wounded here, can you really deny me?” He feigned innocence and dramatically played up his injury.

  “Not that!” Kate giggled and smacked his chest.

  “Oh good, because I am pretty sure my poor injured heart couldn’t take it.” He mocked.

  “He stabbed you in the shoulder, you jerk.” She giggled again.

  “Yes, but you stab me in the heart every time those gorgeous eyes look at me.” He kissed the tip of her nose and she just grinned.

  “Man, I must be vicious then.” She said, sarcastically.

  “The cruelest.” He concurred, smiling.

  “I was talking about the wedding.” She reverted back to her original topic as she lay her head against him and looked up to gauge his reaction.

  “We can wait, there is no rush.” He told her, but his face looked slightly sad.

  “It’s just that I want all of this to be over with. The funerals, the trial. I don’t want to start our new life together with so much old pain.” She explained, hoping he would understand.

  “No pain on the wedding day, check. We probably shouldn’t invite my mother then.” He teased and Kate just laughed.

  “Do you ever take anything seriously?” She said standing up and stretching her legs, still giggling.

  “Life’s too short for serious.” He stood up behind her and nuzzled her neck, wrapping his arms around her front.

  “Is that right? What else is life too short for?” She grinned, leaning into him and loving the fluttering feeling in her belly with each kiss that landed against her skin.

  “Clothes.” His voice was husky and he pushed the waistline of her pants down until they dropped to the floor, then lifted her shirt up over her head.

  The duo scampered to the bedroom leaving a trail of clothes and Derrick’s sling for his shoulder on the ground behind them. Crawling onto the bed, he slid his body over hers, kissing every inch on the way up until he found her mouth.

  Their lips crushed together hungrily and her legs clenched onto either side of his hips, pulling him closer to her.

  She could feel his excitement pressed between them as she gently scratched her nails down his bare back, loving the feeling of his warm skin. He caressed her neck with his lips, savoring every taste.

  “Please, Derrick, I can’t wait any longer.” Her voice was breathy.

  “I don’t want to miss a single moment of you, Kate. Every inch of you, every taste, I have to have it all. Right now. I didn’t know if I ever would be able to kiss you again.” He responded in a husky tone, slipping inside of her as she gasped.

  “I’m not going anywhere ever again.” She whispered into his ear as they began moving rhythmically together.

  “I’m the one who should be telling you that.” A hint of remorse tugged at him and her eyes softened as she lay kisses down his jaw line until she reached his lips.

  “Love means never having to say I’m sorry.” She giggled, teasing him.

  “I like that.” He kissed her again, smiling against her lips.

  That was her absolute favorite thing, feeling him smiling when they kissed. It was more than just lust
or desire, and it was more than love.

  It was happily in love, head over heels in love. It was fairytale love, and ever since they met Derrick had been slowly transforming into her perfect Prince Charming.


  “You can’t say that, Derrick. There can be no mention of the rape or any other knowledge you might have about the case other than exactly what you saw and experienced in the stable.” The district attorney paced back and forth in front of the witness stand in the empty court room where they were preparing for trial.

  “Why not? There’s no question that he is the Photographer.” He argued, crossing his arms over his chest from where he sat on the witness stand.

  “You and I know that, the police know that, hell, everyone might know that. But it’s inadmissible in court because you didn’t see it. You can’t testify to something you don’t know firsthand. Plus he isn’t being charged with any of the rapes. The defense will say that any mention of that would make the jury prejudiced toward him.” He explained.


  “We’re trying to avoid a mistrial here, Derrick.”

  “Are you okay with this, Kate?” Derrick looked over to where she was leaning against the prosecutors table watching.

  “We don’t have another choice, Derrick. It’s better than him going free. Please just listen to him.” Kate sighed, feeling his frustration.

  “Fine. I’ll start over. I entered the stable, found Kate and Annie. Kate was in restraints and Annie was unconscious. Frank was attempting to assault Kate so things got physical between him and I. Once I thought he was out, I untied Kate and roused Annie, then helped them out of the stable. Before we made it out, I felt something stab me in the back and I lost consciousness. Next thing I know, I’m in the hospital with the doctor’s telling me that I had a knife in my shoulder.” Derrick recounted the story.

  “And how did you know to go to that stable, Mr. Kane?” The district attorney asked, pretending to cross examine him.

  “Annie and I had found clues and the name of the stable at Frank’s apartment.” Derrick answered.

  “No, can’t say that. Just say the truth with as little detail as possible. Tell them Annie told you the name of the stable and you followed her there. That’s the truth, right?”

  “I guess so.”

  “Good, stick with that. You don’t want to tell them more than they need to know.” The district attorney flipped through some papers on the table next to Kate.

  “This is so fucked up,” Kate mumbled.

  “There’s no black and white in cases like this, Kate. Just a whole lot of gray.” He told her, patting her on the shoulder slightly.

  “You ready to go up next?” Kate nodded and switched places with Derrick, who looked just as upset as she did.

  They both knew that this is what had to be done to make sure Frank went to jail for life, but it felt unsatisfying letting so much go untold.

  “Ms. Jackson, can you tell me the events in order that occurred on Saturday morning?”


  “I was packing some boxes at my apartment to finish moving in with my fiancé, Derrick Kane. My Uncle Lenny was coming by to pick me up because we were going to meet Derrick and my sister, Annie, for breakfast since they were taking the train down from New York City together. There was a knock on the door and I assumed it was my uncle, so I didn’t bother looking through the peephole.” Kate paused slightly, looking over at the jury who were all intently staring at her.

  She gulped nervously, trying to remember everything that they had gone over in practicing for the trial today. She had been warned, she had mentally prepared, and she had done everything she could to convince herself that it would be okay. Yet, now that she was sitting only a few feet away from Frank, everything was real. She kept her eyes trained on the jury, but she could feel his beady, evil eyes boring a hole through her.

  “Who was at the door, Ms. Jackson?” The district attorney prompted her, sensing her hesitation.

  “Uhm, my uncle was there, but he wasn’t alone. Frank Bild was holding a knife to his throat. Frank had been my uncle’s assistant for years, so the entire scene confused me but he threatened me so I let him in. My uncle was begging him to let us go, but Frank wasn’t listening. It all happened so fast.”

  “What happened?”

  “He slit my uncle’s throat, pushed him forward, then stabbed him in the back several times. He was kicking him and punching him, I don’t know what came first. Everything was so fast. I lost count because I screamed and turned to run.”

  “He grabbed my hair, but I got away for a minute. It was all kind of a jumble after that, we fought and knocked over pretty much every piece of furniture left in the apartment. Finally, he pulled a cloth out of his pocket and shoved it on my face. That’s the last thing I remember until waking up in the stable.” Kate sniffed slightly, trying to keep from crying.

  “Exhibit D, ladies and gentleman, one handkerchief found on Frank Bild’s person upon his arrest. Lab tested it and found traces of chloroform on it. Ms. Jackson, does this handkerchief look familiar to you?” The district attorney asked her.

  “Yes, that’s the one he put over my face.” She confirmed.

  She accidentally let her eyes land on Frank, the sneer that spread over his face sickened her. He winked at her, a sight that made little bumps appear all over her skin.

  “Ms. Jackson, I know that this next part is hard, but can you please tell the jury what is the next thing that you remember?”

  “I woke up in a stable stall, sore everywhere, and my wrists were tied together, which was then tied to my ankles. I couldn’t stand, or move. I could smell blood in the air, but didn’t know where it was coming from. I don’t know how much time passed, although I don’t think it was too long, before Frank walked into the stall and told me that he was going to kill me that day after torturing me.”

  “Ms. Jackson, did Frank say why he was going to kill you? Did he give any reason for his narrowly focused targeting of you?” The prosecution pressed further.

  “Eventually, yes. He revealed that his father was Stanley Smith, the man who had molested me when I was six years old. Frank had somehow convinced himself that I was responsible for Mr. Smith’s suicide in that same stable.” Kate huffed slightly, feeling angry at the memory.

  “Ms. Jackson, did you have any contact with Mr. Smith after the alleged molestation when you were six years old?”

  “No, I didn’t even know he was dead. Never bothered to look the bastard up.” Kate responded.

  “Let’s watch the language, Ms. Jackson.” The judge intervened and Kate gave him an apologetic look.

  The district attorney continued to ask Kate questions and she slowly recounted the entire order of events in the stable. An hour of testimony later, Kate felt completely drained and was relieved that the judge called for a recess, giving her a chance to stretch her legs and breathe outside the stuff courtroom.


  “Your Honor, may I approach the bench? There has been a change in my representation.” Frank Bild strutted to the middle of the courtroom a few minutes later in his navy blue suit, looking proud of himself.

  “Prosecution and Mr. Bild, approach.” The judge granted.

  Kate watched the exchange nervously from her seat in the audience where she was waiting to be called up for her cross examination, since they had just returned from recess.

  She couldn’t hear what they were saying, but the angry look on the district attorney’s face as he clearly argued with Frank was obvious. He glanced back at Kate once, his expression was that of pity, something Kate hated more than anything in the world.

  “What do you think is happening?” Derrick whispered to her, hugging his arm around her tightly as he sat next to her.

  “I have no clue.”

  “I don’t have a good feeling about this.” Derrick echoed her same sentiments.

  Finally, Frank and the district attorney walked back to their
tables. Frank winked at Kate as he did, a smug look on his face. Derrick squeezed her tighter and she could hear a growling reverberating low in his throat at Frank’s sickening gesture. The judge exchanged a few hushed words with the bailiff, then turned to address the court.

  “It seems during the recess, Mr. Bild and his attorney parted ways. As is his legal right, Mr. Bild will be representing himself from this point out in the trial. Ms. Jackson, if you could please join me up here to complete your cross examination.” The judge was tight lipped and clearly frustrated, the district attorney throwing her another apologetic look.

  Frank just sat there with his hands folded in his lap looking so proud of himself.

  “What?! You can’t allow this! You’re going to let that psychopath victimize her all over again in front of the entire court?” Derrick was suddenly on his feet, shouting at the judge.

  Kate’s eyes were wide, her mouth fell open, as she tried to understand what was happening.

  “Mr. Kane, this is not up for debate. This is my courtroom. Sit down and be quiet now or you will be removed.” The judge warned.

  “Derrick, please, don’t get kicked out. I need you in here.” Kate begged him to sit.

  He looked down at her, his fists still balled and his face furious. He looked back at the judge, shot him a hateful look, then pointed in warning at Frank before he finally sat down.

  “Thank you,” she kissed his cheek softly before standing on shaky legs and walking up to the front of the courtroom, seating herself in the witness stand.

  The judge turned around to face her and leaned down, closing the distance between them.

  “Ms. Jackson, I really am very sorry that this is about to happen, but legally there is nothing I can do to stop it. I offered him a continuance, but he denied it. I’ve already given the bailiff strict instructions to step in if anything becomes even slightly aggressive. He can’t hurt you in here, do you understand that?” The judge’s eyes were kind and sad.